Yorkshire Airsoft
What is Airsoft?
Airsoft is a team game where players eliminate each other with a plastic or PLA pellet fired from a realistic looking airsoft gun. The game itself is very similar to paintball, but unlike paintball, there is no splat. For this reason, players have to play with honour. Airsoft games tend to be longer than paintball and played in a bigger area.
During our games at Yorkshire Airsoft, the whole site is opened up to give maximum space for players to achieve the objectives of the game and participate in fairly complex missions.
Where are we based?
Our venue is situated just South of York and North of Selby at the Yorkshire Paintball Centre (YPC). We have a huge woodland centre of just over 100 acres. The game zone is filled with trenches, buildings, bunkers, a real aeroplane and the worlds biggest purpose bridge structure.
We hold a number of Airsoft event days at the moment. Halo Mill Proving Grounds on the 1st Sunday of each month and the rental / corporate / birthday groups on all other days.
What equipment do we use for Airsoft?
Airsoft uses realistic looking rifles and pistols. The guns come in four basic types. Sniper rifles, shot guns, assault rifles and pistols. Players choose the equipment that suits their game play the best. If you like to sit at the back and pick off the opposition, then a Sniper rifle is for you. If you like to get up close and personal, then you would best suit an assault rifle. Whichever equipment you choose, it’s always best to have a pistol holstered just in case.
How much does it cost to play?
Airsoft costs between £20-£30 to play for the day. The only additional costs are for the ammo. Airsoft ammo is relatively cheap starting at around £10 for 1000 bb’s.
Our events cost.
Halo Mill Proving Grounds – Members £25 and Non Members £30
YPC Rental Days – £30 per person (Minimum 10 players) These days are aimed at birthday / stag do / corporate groups.
What format do we play?
Our different events play different formats.
Halo Mill Proving Grounds is a 6hr rolling multi objective, multi layered game. The game starts at 10am and finishes at 4pm. You choose how long you play for. If you want to play for 6hrs, that’s fine, if you want to play for 1hr at a time and have a break in between, again that’s fine. The game rolls on and you just jump in and out whenever you like.
YPC Rental days are aimed at players who have not played before and are wanting to bring their mates on birthday / stag do or corporate event. All equipment is provided, including the gun and ammo. The minimum group size is 10 players and your event can be booked through our main website – www.ypc.co.uk
Where can I buy my own Airsoft equipment?
You can buy bb’s and pyro on the day at Yorkshire Airsoft. If you want guns and accessories then we recommend the following shop.
Patrol Base
What is the minimum age to play Airsoft?
The minimum age to play Airsoft is 12 years for our rental days and 14 years for Halo Mill Proving Grounds.