Safety / Protection

Eye Protection

Eye Protection must be worn at all times whilst in the game zones and gun rooms. The only place that eye protection may be removed is within the designated “Safe Area”. All eye protection MUST be CE approved and marked. We reccommend paintball masks or similar. All players under the age of 18 MUST wear full face protection. This can be loaned by us FREE of charge.

Ear Protection

We highly recommend ear protection as players will be using pyrotechnics within the games. Also, ear protection protects your ears from the bb’s themselves.

Other Safety Protection

We recommend gloves during game play and also sturdy footwear, boots are ideal.

Barrel Socks

Barrel socks MUST be fitted on all guns whilst in the safe area. This is a condition of insurance. Paintballers have been fitting barrel socks to their guns for over 20 years, it’s about time airsoft caught up. Barrel socks will be loaned FREE OF CHARGE to any player who does not have one. Proper safe area safety is about respect for your fellow players.

Firing in the safe area

Firing in the safe area is absolutely forbidden. If you would like to test your gun, there is a crono station which will be open from the minute you arrive. This includes dry firing.


All pyro’s used on the day MUST be CE Approved and Marked. To see if your pyro will be allowed, simply look on the pyro itself and if there is a CE mark, you will be fine. If there is no mark, then your pyro cannot be used. Do not assume that just because you bought your Pyro in the UK from a reputable shop, it can be used. No CE mark, no use!!

Velocity Limits

AEG – Maximum 350fps (Based on .20g BB)
DMR – Maximum 400fps (Based on .20g BB)
Sniper – Maximum 500fps (Based on .20g BB)
All players will be required to undertake a witnessed chrono test prior to receiving your team arm band and being allowed to play. Any airsoft gun that exceeds the velocity limits will not be allowed into the game area.

In Game Rules

Taking Hits

If you are shot and the bb hits you anywhere on your body, you are out. There are a number of different game/ respawn modes that we play and those details will be given at the start of the game. Players who do not take hits have no honour and airsoft is all about honour. We have banned players for life for not taking hits. Players not taking hits spoils the event for everyone and it is why we take a zero tollerence approach. Can’t take your hits, then don’t play here….. Simple.


If you are shot, immediately shout “Hit” and raise your arm so that opposition players can clearly see you are out. If you do not make it clear to the opposition that you have been shout out, it is highly likely that you will be shot again. This is not an opportunity to spit your dummy out, merely a time to reflect on the effectiveness of your ability to raise your arm in a timely maner.


Whilst it only takes one shot to eliminate a player, it is possible that you will be shot with more than one bb. If someone shoots you with a full auto burst at 25bbs, then expect another 24 bb’s to hit you as well. That’s the game and you have not been over shot. If you feel that you have been overshot and the circumstances are different to the above, then you must notify a marshal immediately.

HPA (High Pressure Air)

All players using HPA must ensure that bottles are both in date and also CE marked. This also goes for any regulator being used. Any hose being used must have the pressure rating clearly printed onto the hose by the manufacturer. No player under the age of 18 will be allowed to use our fill rigs. All players must understand that the correct compliance under UK law for all air systems, bottles and hoses is their responsibility and not the responsibility of the site or event organisers.

Cheat Calling

After marshaling for over 30 years, I can assure you that 9 times out of 10, the reason the player you are convinced that you have hit is not walking out with their arm in the air, is because you missed them. If you then stand up and start calling them a cheat, then this situation can escalate very quickly. If you feel that a player is not taking their hits, then inform a marshal. Our experienced marshals will then stick to that player like a limpet until they are satisfied that the player is honourable. If a marshal finds that the player is not taking his hits, then that player will be ejected from the site. This is the marshals job.

Bio BB’s

We only use Bio BB’s to help protect the environment and ensure the longevity of airsoft in woodland environments. If you are the type of person who thinks it’s fine to turn up and use plastic bb’s, then this venue is not for you. Please respect the countryside.


Bins are provided for all of your litter. Please respect the environment and the site by using the bins. It is not acceptable to empty the contents of your car into the car park or drop your litter into the safe area. It is our staff who are also airsofters who have to tidy up after you. Please respect the countryside and your fellow players.

Smiling and having fun

Both smiling and having fun are mandatory for all players. At the end of the day, if you are not exhausted, happy and don’t have a huge smile on your face, then we would like to know why. Please let us know how you feel we could improve our events for the benefit of all players and future games.

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